
BSc in Advanced Therapeutic Technologies Irish Guidance Counsellors webinar

  • Date: 06 November 2024
  • Time: 11:30 - 12:00
  • Category: General events,  Students 
  • Location: Online

In this short interactive webinar, hear from the RCSI team and BSc in Advanced Therapeutic Technologies students about this new cutting-edge science degree and the type of student who will enjoy and thrive on this programme.

Do you know someone who wants to become a science innovator? And a pioneer in state-of-the-art medicine therapies and technologies?

Are your students interested in biology and health science, love maths and technology and want to research and develop cutting edge medicines, treatments and health technologies?

If so, this is the course for them. 

Learn more about RCSI’s new and exciting BSc in Advanced Therapeutic Technologies, fusing digital technology with traditional science.  

RCSI will host a short online webinar on Wednesday, 6 November 2024 from 11:30-12pm.

During this webinar, the RCSI recruitment team and current students will focus on the type of student who will thrive on this science degree. They will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about the course.

This webinar will be recorded and be available to use in the classroom afterwards.

BScATT student webinar

We are also hosting a full webinar that will give a comprehensive overview of the BScATT programme on Saturday, 23rd November at 12pm. Students can register for this webinar here.

How to participate

In order to attend this IGC online event, please register here.