
Sir Terry Leahy presents 6th Annual RCSI Leadership Lecture

  • Leadership
123 St Stephen's Green

Sir Terry Leahy, Chief Executive Officer of Tesco, gave the sixth Annual RCSI Leadership Lecture at RCSI this evening.

Sir Terry was appointed to his current position in 1997 having served in many marketing roles throughout Tesco since joining the company in 1979. In 2002 Sir Terry was awarded a Knighthood for services to the food retailing sector.

Welcoming over 200 prominent figures from the world of business and industry to the event, RCSI CEO Mr Michael Horgan said: "RCSI is no different to that of a multinational, given our large international student base coupled with a staff population which operates on many global sites. It is the noble purpose of RCSI to enhance human health and well-being through a combination of hard work, innovation and collaboration in education, research and service."

Describing Sir Terry’s track record as a business leader as "outstanding", Mr Horgan added that RCSI was committed to educating young men and women for leadership in the medical professions."

Chaired by Dr Ivor Kenny Director of Independent News and Media and IONA Technologies, the annual RCSI Leadership Lecture Series is a unique opportunity for the College to welcome business leaders to RCSI so that they can discover more about the many activities of the College on an international scale.