
RCSEd President’s Gold Medal awarded to Professor Niall O’Higgins

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President’s Gold Medal RSCEd

Professor Niall O’Higgins, immediate past-president of RCSI, was recently awarded with the President’s Gold Medal from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd).

The President of RCSEd, Mr. A. R. Smith presented the medal to Professor O’Higgins at a special ceremony held in the Edinburgh College last month. The RCSEd President’s Gold medal is awarded just once during each president’s term (every three years) and as such is presented to a recipient who the President feels has made an outstanding contribution to the College.

Past recipients of this prestigious award include His Majesty The Sultan of Brunei; Professor Arthur Kwok Cheung, Professor and Chairman of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; His Excellency Dr H Kamuzu Banda, Life President of Malawi; and His Excellency Dr Vincent Tabone, President, Republic of Malta.