
RCSI announces new postgraduate school

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  • Students
123 St Stephen's Green

RCSI has announced that it has established a School of Postgraduate Studies to oversee its fourth level educational programmes.

The school, set up in recognition of the importance of postgraduate research training, will cater for up to 400 students. Over the past eight years 165 students have graduated from RCSI with PhD, MD, MCh and MSc degrees by research, most of these having been completed according to the traditional apprenticeship model.

One of the key objectives of the new School of Postgraduate Studies is to expand the existing MRes/PhD Programme in Biomedical Sciences college-wide. This programme, established in 2001, with HEA funding, provided a structured approach to postgraduate training which involved relevant taught modules in the 1st year, as well as providing opportunities to postgraduates to opt for PhD projects and supervisors of their choice. It will also provide professional development opportunities for post-doctoral researchers.

Professor Kevin B. Nolan, Head of the School said: "The School will provide a broader training for postgraduates in an environment with a focal point for handling postgraduate issues in a collegial atmosphere. The new School will oversee and co-ordinate all postgraduate activities and will work with supervisors and colleagues in the Research Office, in College Administration and in the School of Healthcare Management to provide a structure for postgraduate training of the highest quality. It is in line with the RCSI's Strategic objectives in themed research areas and will also complement the government's plan to double the number of postgraduates by 2013."

Dr Helen McVeigh, Postgraduate Programmes Manager, said: "The new School will provide an interface between the students and senior management. It will provide insight into the lifecycle of postgraduate students from recruitment stage through to graduation and will encourage peer-to-peer interaction academically and socially. It will oversee the MRes/PhD Biomedical Sciences programme and also a number of taught Masters programmes on Women's Health, Primary Healthcare, Industrial Pharmaceutical Science and Healthcare Ethics and the Law."