
RCSI holds first Blood Pressure Day

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Students from the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) in RCSI held its first Blood Pressure Day in conjunction with the Irish Heart Foundation (IHF) and Boots Pharmacy in St Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre.

37 volunteers from the second year medical class took blood pressure readings, provided literature on lifestyle advice, and offered fruit as a healthy snack to the general public. Over five hundred people came to have their blood pressures taken throughout the course of the day. Although donations were not solicited, the public contributed over €600 to the IHF.

The coordinators of the event were Lisa Torres and Katty Lofti. Lisa said: “I had the unique opportunity to observe our classmates interacting with the public in a clinical setting. RCSI was well represented by these students, who demonstrated the utmost professionalism and competency based on comments we received from the public as well as the administration of St Stephen's Green Shopping Centre.”

Lisa continued: “We are extremely proud of our classmates and the accomplishments of this day. We hope to expand and continue it as an annual event in the future. The fact that we were able to have such a successful public health event as second year medical students is an affirmation of the quality of education at RCSI and the wonderful support we received from people within and outside RCSI.”