
Charter Day Meetings take place at RCSI

  • General news
Charter Day RCSI 2008

The annual RCSI Charter Day Meetings were held in the College from the 14-16 February. A number of leading Irish and international speakers attended the three-day event and discussed numerous topics relevant to surgery and surgical training in Ireland.

On Thursday, 14 February a one-day conference was held on the new cancer control strategy. This closed meeting provided an opportunity to debate and address the opportunities and challenges that this strategy presents for surgeons.

On Friday, 15 February, highlights included the Presidential Medal Competition and sessions on venous disorders; otolaryngology/head and neck surgery; trauma and orthopoedic surgery/plastic and reconstructive surgery and surgical training.

Dr Joseph P. Vacanti, Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, delivered a speech on ‘Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine from First Principles to the Present Time’ at the 83rd Abraham Colles Lecture. The President of RCSI Professor Gerald O’Sullivan also gave his Presidential address.

RCSI also bestowed its highest honour of Honorary Fellowship at the special event on Dr Gerald B. Healy, President of the American College of Surgeons and Mr Bernard Ribeiro, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Charter Day Meetings are held annually to commemorate 11 February 1784 when the RCSI was first established by royal charter by King George III. This Charter gave the College the power to control the practice of surgery and to make provision for surgical education.

Today Charter Day is a unique opportunity for the many Fellows and Members of the College and their colleagues from the international surgical community to come together and discuss aspects of emerging surgical techniques and research in their varying areas of expertise.