
RCSI Malaysian office officially opened by Tanaiste Brian Cowen

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RCSI Malaysian office

RCSI officially opened a new office in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia today.

The event was officiated by the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance, Brian Cowen, who unveiled a plaque to commemorate the opening. The new Malaysian Office in Kuala Lumpur will handle admissions to RCSI and Penang Medical College (PMC).

Established in 1996, PMC represents a unique partnership in medical education between the Penang State Government, RCSI and University College Dublin (UCD). Based on the concept of twinning, students spend their pre-clinical years in RCSI or UCD in Dublin and return to Malaysia for clinical training.

During the ceremony, the Tánaiste mentioned that RCSI has long been a leader among Irish third-level Institutions in terms of its international operations and that its impact in Malaysia has been quite phenomenal. He congratulated the College on it’s foresight in establishing such a successful partnership and emphasised the importance of international education services in the development of Ireland’s international links and the importance of a top-quality education system in the development and growth of the Irish economy itself.

Present for RCSI at the ceremony were Dr Kenny Winser and Alec Elliott from Dublin. Brendan Lyons, President PMC, Prof. Amir Khir, Dean and Foundation Professor of Medicine, PMC were also present.