
RCSI students compete in 112th Boston Marathon

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Boston Marathon

Nine students from RCSI's running club participated in the 112th Boston Marathon on Monday, 21 April.

Boston is the world's oldest annual marathon and ranks as one of the world's most prestigious road racing events. Since its inception, the Boston Marathon has been held on the holiday commemorating Patriots' Day and this year over 25,000 runners took part – making it the second largest Boston marathon to date.

Pictured back row (l to r) are Mr Torin Glass , Mr Sami Termanini , Mr Rory Farnan, Mr Michael Galvin
Pictured front row (l to r) are Ms Hannah Smith, Ms Michelle O’Brien, Ms Lisa Torres, Ms Avril Copeland and Ms Sarah McIsaac

Participation in the race is facilitated annually by RCSI graduate Dr J.V.Coyle. In recognition of his tremendous support over the past ten years, a perpetual trophy was named in his honour. The trophy is awarded annually to the first RCSI runner to pass the finish line. This year the proud winner was Rory Farnan (Graduate Entry Medicine) with an impressive time of 3’14”.

This year's proud winner was Rory Farnan (Graduate Entry Medicine) with an impressive time of 3’14”.

Commenting on the trip, Corriena Brien , Student Services Manager expressed her pride in the team, saying that ‘overseas sports trips such as the Boston Marathon are beneficial on many levels. Firstly they provide our talented student body with the opportunity to compete in sport.  And secondly they provide the opportunity to fly the college flag and to promote RCSI overseas. This team certainly achieved both and are to be commended on their role – they were outstanding RCSI ambassadors.'

At a reception held by the city Mayor Mr Thomas Menino, in the Fairmont Hotel, the team presented Dr Coyle with a token of their appreciation. Pictured is Ms Sarah McIsaac making the presentation.

At the pre race registration and exhibition the team were delighted to meet up with none other than our very own Sonia O’Sullivan. Sonia wished the team well and was delighted to pose for some photographs.

Mr Sami Termanini, Ms Hannah Smith and Ms Lisa Torres with Dr J.V.Coyle.

Pictured from l to r are Ms Lisa Torres, Mr Rory Farnan, Mr Michael Galvin, Ms Avril Copeland , Mr Sami Termanini , Ms Hannah Smith, Ms Sarah McIsaac, Mr Torin Glass and Ms Michelle O’Brien

Ms. Sonia O’Sullivan with some of the students

Dr J.V.Coyle with the nine students from the RCSI Running Club that participated in the 112th Boston Marathon.