
Dr Art Levine lectures at RCSI

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Dr Art Levine lecture

Dr Art Levine, the Senior Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences and Dean of the School of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School, delivered a lecture titled 'Fish, Mice, Newts, and Very Large Magnets: What Are They Teaching Us About Ourselves?'

Dr Levine was specially invited by the President and Registrar to deliver this important and influential lecture on Wednesday, 5 November.

Levine, who has authored/co-authored 250 scientific publications, has been widely recognised for his achievements. He has chaired many national and international scientific meetings, been elected to membership in a number of the leading research societies, and has held visiting professorships and distinguished lectureships at many universities in the United States and abroad.

With respect to research, Levine has focused his priorities on studies that exploit the vast amount of data emerging from the human genome project and on the newly emerging and powerful technologies that enable us to visualise the three-dimensional structures, locations, and interactions of the proteins encoded by genes as they exist at particular times in particular cells. Levine has fostered the development of these lines of research in each of the six health science schools at the University, and in so doing, has furthered the integration of these schools as collaborative partners.