
RCSI welcomes undergraduate students at Orientation Day

  • Students
undergraduate students at Orientation Day

RCSI welcomed over 400 students of Medicine, Physiotherapy and Pharmacy at its Orientation Day on Monday, 29 September.

 The day commenced with welcome speeches by Professor Cathal Kelly, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; Philip Curtis, Associate Director of Admissions and Student Services and Dr Alice McGarvey, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs.

Students were then introduced to academic and administrative staff of the College, as well as other aspects of student life at RCSI. The day will finish this evening with a special reception for staff, students and their families in the Boardroom and College Hall.

On Tuesday evening, a White Coat Ceremony was held as part of Orientation Week. The white coat is an event held in recognition that the new students are embarking on an important career with responsibilities. The evening also comprised of an awards ceremony for those students in RCSI who achieved excellence to date followed by some short presentations by students, the Dean and members of Faculty.