
RCSI research appears on front cover of Journal of Physiology

  • Research
123 St Stephen's Green

New research regarding novel insights into oestrogen action conducted by Professor Brian Harvey and his team in the Molecular Medicine Laboratories in Beaumont Hospital appears on the front cover of the November issue of the Journal of Physiology.

The research from the Molecular Medicine Laboratories was also featured as a translational highlight by the Endocrine Society on its website this week.

Professor Brian Harvey, Director of Research, RCSI, said: "The research has provided novel insights in relation to how oestrogen affects body fluid balance in females, which has implications for understanding how the female body prepares the uterus for implantation of the embryo, how females are protected against fluid loss and how females gain fluid during high oestrogen states such as at ovulation and taking HRT or the contraceptive pill."

"Having our research highlighted by the Endocrine Society USA and featured on the front cover of the Journal of Physiology, is a huge testament to the hard work and dedication carried out by the team and contributes to the international reputation of RCSI in translational research," Professor Harvey continued.