
Transition Year students spend Week in RCSI

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Mini Med training programme at RCSI

Approximately 150 Transition Year students from 75 schools will begin a week-long Mini Med training programme today at RCSI. More ...

The week-long interactive programme gives Transition Year students the opportunity to experience what it is like to train and work as a doctor.

As part of the programme, students will witness a live operation, attend interactive lectures, gain hands-on training in clinical skills as well as practical experience in medicine and scientific tutorials. Topics covered include human anatomy, (avoiding repetition of word surgery) cardiology, forensic medicine, emergency and transplant surgery and psychiatry.

Leading medical professionals from RCSI and BeaumontHospital will deliver the programme, including Professor Marie Cassidy, State Pathologist and Head of Forensic Medicine, RCSI who will give a lecture on Forensic Medicine.

Professor Hannah McGee, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, RCSI, said: “The TY Mini Med programme is a great opportunity for students to gain insight into the world of medicine, science and research.  This is the 3rd year of the programme and demand for the programme outweighs the number of places available. The participation of leading medical professionals from RCSI and Beaumont Hospital, the use of innovative technology and the practical sessions helps make the learning experience interesting for students as well as providing them with experience of what it is like to train as a medical professional.”