
RCSI hosts semi-final of Irish Times Debate competition

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Irish Times Debate competition

RCSI was proud host to the semi-final of the prestigious Irish Times Debate competition on Wednesday, 2 February, 2011.

The resolution for the evening was 'This House Would Invite Israel to join the EU' and was chaired by Senator Eugene Regan, member of Seanad Éireann. The event was organised by RCSI's Student Services Department in conjunction with the RCSI Debating Society.

Debaters came from colleges across Ireland, including Trinity College Dublin, King's Inns, NUI Maynooth, Dublin City University and NUI Galway.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of this prestigious tournament. From an initial pool of approximately 300 debaters, three will triumph and be awarded the Demosthenes Trophy at the finals (one team, and an individual).

From this semi-final round, three debaters have advanced to the finals, David Brady of DCU, and the second opposition team from UCD's Commerce and Economics Society - Conor O'Hanlon, and Conor McAndrew.

After a fantastic evening of lively debate in the College Hall, the event concluded with a reception for speakers, adjudicators, chairperson and audience.