Celebratory evening at HSE RCSI education facility in Waterford Regional Hospital

The HSE and RCSI, at its joint education facility in Waterford Regional Hospital (WRH) on Tuesday last, hosted an occasion to mark the bequeathing of a sculpture and artefact from the County & City Infirmary Trust and the loaning of artworks from Dr Abdul and Katharine Bulbulia.
A bust of Joseph Poulter Mackesy, which had previously featured at the main entrance to the Infirmary in Waterford prior to its closure in 1987, has now been installed in the Elva auditorium at the HSE-RCSI Education Facility in WRH. Mackesy, who was a renowned physician at the Infirmary, an Alderman of Waterford Corporation and a fellow of the RCSI, died in 1866. The County & City Infirmary Trust have also donated to the HSE-RCSI Education Facility in Waterford, for safekeeping and display, an edition of Anatomical Plates of the Human Body by the renowned Scottish surgeon and anatomist John Lizars. It was first published in Edinburgh in the early 19th century.
The Education Facility at Waterford Regional Hospital has had its interior enhanced by a range of art pieces loaned by Dr Abdul and Mrs. Katharine Bulbulia, a collection which includes signed works from leading Irish artist Robert Ballagh. Dr Bulbulia is a founding member of the Waterford Healing Arts Trust, has served as a member of the Irish Medical Council and the government's technical advisory group on HIV/AIDS and other global communicable diseases. Katharine Bulbulia has served as a member of Seanad Éireann, Waterford County and City Councils, the South Eastern Health Board, as a Director of the Crisis Pregnancy Agency and programme manager for the Tánaiste and Minister for Health.
The Celebratory Evening at the HSE-RCSI Education Facility was compered by Prof. Fred Jackson (Consultant Haematologist, RCSI/Waterford Regional Hospital) and also addressed by Her Worship the Mayor of Waterford City, Cllr Mary Roche, Mr Gordon Watson (retired surgeon, RCSI Council member and Chairman of the Waterford County and City Infirmary Trust), Dr Peter Jordan (retired senior lecturer in the History and Theory of Art at Waterford Institute of Technology - on behalf of Dr Abdul and Katharine Bulbulia) and Dr Frank Dolphin (Chair of the Interim Board of the HSE).
Marking the occasion for the HSE, Mr Richard Dooley, Area Operations Manager for Waterford/Wexford, said: "The €4.2 million academic teaching centre facility, funded by the HSE and RCSI and officially opened three years ago in the Regional Hospital, has proven to be a major resource for all health and allied health professionals serving the populations of Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Wexford and Waterford. Features inclusive of the 194-seat lecture theatre, large teaching/seminar room, tutorial and reading rooms for interactive teaching and other administrative and ancillary services are further enhanced by the decision of the County & City Infirmary Trust and the Bulbulias to honour us with the items that serve as the subject for this evening's gathering."
"It is fitting that Joseph Poulter Mackesy's memory has been transferred from the Infirmary to feature here with us in Waterford Regional Hospital. We're also delighted to share with RCSI in accepting the rare edition of the surgical text book from the Infirmary Trust. The HSE, of course, is charged with responsibilities for the present and considerations for the future but we are also conscious of the past and the heritage and history bequeathed to us. I am also very pleased to mark a further chapter in the outstanding contribution to the lives of patients, staff and visitors alike to Waterford Regional Hospital that has been made by Dr. Abdul and Mrs Katherine Bulbulia and I can assure them that their interest in enhancing the HSE RCSI Education Facility building is very much appreciated."
Marking the occasion for the RCSI, Professor Hannah McGee, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, said: "The HSE-RCSI Education Facility in Waterford Regional Hospital is central to RCSI's commitment to improving the delivery of healthcare and medical education and training throughout Ireland and has been providing many resources which benefit patients and the local community in Waterford and south east the region since its opening in 2008.
"We are delighted to be part of this evening's celebration which brings two significant pieces of medical and surgical heritage to the Facility, as well as a new collection of Irish art. On behalf of RCSI, I would like to thank the County & City Infirmary Trust and Dr Abdul and Mrs Katharine Bulbulia for their contribution which will enhance the Facility for all those who avail of its services."