
Centre for Systems Medicine launched at RCSI

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Centre for Systems Medicine launched at RCSI

A new Centre for Systems Medicine launched at RCSI, aims to employ mathematical and statistical models in combination with large-scale data gathering to develop novel systems biology tools to predict treatment responses in patients with conditions such as colorectal cancer, brain tumours, melanoma, stroke, neurodegenerative disorders and diabetes.

The centre also aims to develop new prognostic tools for more ‘targeted’ treatments for these patients, and aims to inform clinical decision making and improve patient care.

The centre is being established in order to provide a dedicated translational research centre within the College. Translational or ‘bench to bedside’ research focuses on developing research discoveries made in the laboratory into point-of-care treatments for patients. The centre will provide a wide range of core facilities to researchers and will work with clinical collaborators at Beaumont Hospital, Queens University Belfast, the Mater Hospital, Paris Descartes University Medical School, and the University Clinics Frankfurt.

This centre is being established by Professor Jochen Prehn, Chair, Head of Department of Physiology and Medical Physics, RCSI. The centre is located on the second and fourth floor in York House, York Street and is part of the RCSI Research Institute.

The Centre for Systems Medicine is supported through funding from national and international funding bodies, including Science Foundation Ireland, Health Research Board, National Biophotonics Imaging Platform Ireland, European Commission Seventh Framework Programme 7, Higher Education Authority and Enterprise Ireland.

For further information on the Centre for Systems Medicine, visit: