
RCSI says farewell to Alec Elliott

  • General news

RCSI this week says farewell to one of its esteemed and longest-serving members of staff, Senior Lecturer in Biology, Mr Alexander (Alec) Elliott. Alec retires this week from the lecturing post he has held at RCSI for the past 39 years.

Mr Elliott, a graduate in Zoology of Trinity College, Dublin, joined the College in July 1973. His initial appointment was as a Junior Lecturer in Biology.

Professor Clive Lee, Head of the Anatomy Department, in a tribute to Alec said, "Alec has been consistent in his principles of accuracy, fairness and rectitude. He has stood the test of time and deserves our sincere thanks for his life's work in RCSI. Always having students' best interests at heart, he will be missed by staff members and students alike.

Professor Cathal Kelly, CEO/Registrar of RCSI added, ‘‘I would like to commend Alec's commitment, endeavour and enormous contribution to the College over the past 39 years. I wish him and his wife, Joan, the very best for the future'.

Characteristically, Alec preferred not to have a large farewell reception and so Professor Kelly (a former student of Alec's!) made a formal presentation of a dedicated College print to Alec in College this week. Alec was joined by his wife Joan and sister Deirdre at the event. Colleagues from the Anatomy Department and Foundation Year will say farewell to Alec at a small reception to be held in the coming days. Alec is in College this week, attending his last Repeat Examinations Board meetings, so you may get a chance in person to wish him well in his retirement. We wish him the very best.