
Caribbean and African Society's Chocolate Ball takes place at RCSI

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Caribbean and African Society's Chocolate Ball

The annual Chocolate Ball, organised by the Caribbean and African Society (CAS) of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, took place on Friday, 30 November in the Exam Hall.

This year's committee, headed by the president of the society Helen Zidon and Vice Presidents Scott Moses and Wendy Evans decided to change the theme of the event to highlight the diverse cultural population of the college.

Chocolate Ball - The International Fashion Show was a chocolate-filled night displaying fashion and national costumes from Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Middle East, the UK, and most especially the Caribbean and Africa.

This was accompanied by performances by the Dance Society, the Music Society and an awareness presentation by the Friends of MSF (Medecins Sans Frontier) of the college. The event raised over €4,000 for the AID AFRICA charity.

Commenting on the event, Corriena Brien, Student Services Manager commended all the students involved especially the CAS committee - Helen Zidon, Scott Moses and Wendy Evans. She went on to add, "The organising committee put countless of planning and organising into the show and it certainly paid off on the night. This was one of the best Chocolate Balls in recent years and the catwalk fashions were the best treat of all."