
Growth and development of pastoral care and chaplaincy

  • Students
123 St Stephen's Green

DCU played host to this year's Chaplaincy Network (CN3) gathering where students joined with CN3 members to exchange and reflect on the growth and development of Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy at 3rd level.

Guest speaker to the event at the closing session was DCU President Professor Brian Mac Craith.

Professor Mac Craith delivered a visionary speech encouraging the importance of keeping a broad understanding of Education at the forefront of student-life activities. Professor McCraith spoke about the multiple challenges that people face in their lives and the need to have responses that are holistic and embracing of innovative and inclusive approaches.

At the heart of responding to complex challenges Professor McCraith reminded us that pro-active and creative approaches were required to stimulate cultural and social changes as part of the wider goal of transforming lives.

Tapping creatively into the diversity of cultures, beliefs and opportunities that are available to students and staff at third level so as to build healthier and more holistic educational and learning environments resonated loudly as a vision to be embodied for shaping future outcomes.

The session was completed with a parting shot of participants from 3U partner colleges present in DCU to the event.