
2013 International Night celebrates cultural diversity at RCSI

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International Night RCSI 2013

Over 400 people attended the Mansion House, Dublin, for International Night 2013. Celebrating cultural diversity, this annual event is one of the highlights of the student annual events calendar. The audience was transported around the globe in a night of glittering entertainment which saw PIBS (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) once again steal the show and, for the second year running, were crowned International Night winners.

Action packed performances from the Irish Society, PMCSA (Penang Medical College Students Association), CAS (Caribbean African Society) and PIBS (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) kept the stage rocking from start to finish. The Music Society, Lenin Patrick and Luke Reilly provided musical renditions that could hold their own on any stage.

For weeks the participating acts have been practicing day and night in attempts to perfect their performances. Great secrecy always surrounds the performances due to the fact that, in addition to entertaining the crowds, this is also a competition. The coveted Parnell Keeling Perpetual Trophy was at stake alongside the coveted title of International Night Winners. This year the winning party also received a 500 euro donation for a charity of their choice.

The difficult task of choosing a winner fell to the judging panel which included Professor Clive Lee, Naude Du Plessis (SU President) and Dr Alice McGarvey. The MC shoes were capably filled by Justin Brody (Pharmacy) and Akshay Padki (Medicine).

Delivering the night's entertainment is the responsibility of the Societies Union supported by the Student Services Office. This year the arduous task was ably managed by Claire Smith, Yashoda Sing and Elizabeth Ahern-Flynn. Corriena Brien, Student Services Manager commended the Trojan work of the three. She also added, "Their efforts were endless in the quest to deliver the night's entertainment. I'd also like to commend all the participants both front and back of house, for their dedication, commitment and endless enthusiasm, all of which contributed to making the night a major success."