
Awards dished out at Oscars-themed RCSI College Ball

  • Students
  • General news
RCSI College Ball 2013

The annual College Ball was held this year on Saturday, 13 April. The theme was the Academy Awards and the red-carpet treatment started at the door of the Convention Centre. The venue was impressive, as were the giant golden Oscar statues that guarded the entrance to the reception.

Inside the hall, guests could enjoy the Paparazzi experience with photo booths ordered for the occasion. The Photo Society was also on hand to do their bit and take pictures of the guests in all their black-tie finery.

Following a Prosecco reception, all filed into the dining room and awards were presented by the Student Services team for Society of the Year, Society Person of the Year and Event of the Year.

The Debate Society was named best Society with Yashoda Singh and Claire Smith sharing the Society Person award. The Event of the Year award was won by the Red Cross Society Auction.

The Students Union (SU) regretfully announced that Head Porter, Jim Sherlock is set to retire this year and presented him with a token of appreciation on behalf of all of RCSI's students. The SU president Naudé du Plessis noted how greatly Jim will be missed around the RCSI campus.

Dinner followed with a surprise party-piece by the Convention Centre waiting staff, who swept across the dance floor to the strains of ‘Gangnam Style'. It wasn't long before students and staff hit the floor to dance off the delicious three-course meal (and the night away)!