
March's RCSI MiniMed Lecture Series videos

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The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)'s MiniMed Lecture Series continued in March with a lecture by Joan Kehoe, a Colorectal research nurse at RCSI Beaumont and Stomacare Nurse Specialist at Dublin's Mater Hospital, and Mary Conway, a clinical nurse specialist in Coloproctology at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin and Irish Nurse representative at the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, entitled ‘Gut Health, Colon Cancer and Colon Cancer Screening'.

View the lectures below on the RCSI YouTube channel:

‘Gut Health, Colon Cancer & Colon Cancer Screening' (Part 1)

‘Gut Health, Colon Cancer & Colon Cancer Screening' (Part 2)