
RCSI MiniMed series of free health lectures to explore topical health issues

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123 St Stephen's Green

RCSI (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland) today announced its programme for the MiniMed Open Lecture Series for 2013/2014. The series of health lectures is open free of charge to the public and will be held on the last Wednesday of every month from October 2013 to March 2014 (excluding December).

Topics that will be explored during the lecture series include, mental health, tackling cancer, gum disease, wound management and nose bleeds to name but a few. The lectures will be delivered by some of Ireland's leading healthcare experts.

"The RCSI MiniMed Lecture Series is an informative and entertaining public education seminar series developed for people who are interested in learning more about topical health issues. In an age of increased patient participation and greater health awareness, the MiniMed Series affords people the opportunity to learn more about health related issues from leading experts," said Professor Kevin McGuigan, Director of the RCSI MiniMed Series.

The RCSI MiniMed Open Lecture Series is free of charge to the public; however registration is essential in order to guarantee a place. Previous lecture series have attracted widespread public interest with demand for places far outstripping availability.

2013/2014 RCSI MiniMed Lecture Series:

Wednesday, 30 October 2013
‘Everything you need to know about Strokes' (19.00-20.00)
Professor David Williams, Consultant in Stroke Medicine, RCSI/Beaumont Hospital
‘Nose bleeds: a problem for all ages' (20.00-21.00)
Professor Michael Walsh, Prof Michael Walsh, Head of Department of Otolaryngology, RCSI
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
‘Periodontal (gum) Disease and general health' (19.00-20.00)
Dr P.J. Byrne, Past Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI
‘The physical effects of mental illness' (20.00-21.00)
Professor Jogin Thakore, Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry, RCSI
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
‘Evidence-Based Medicine' (19.00-20.00)
Dr Anthony Cummins, Department of General Practice, RCSI
‘Wound Management: Honey, Maggots and other Medical Marvels' (20.00-21.00)
Professor Zena Moore, Associate Professor, RCSI School of Nursing and Julie Jordan O'Brien, Beaumont Hospital
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
‘Health, Evolution and History' (19.00-20.00)
Dr Gianpiero Cavalleri, Senior lecturer in Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics (MCT), RCSI
‘Tackling Cancer by Targeting Tumour Blood Vessels' (20.00-21.00)
Dr Annette Byrne Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiology & Medical Physics, RCSI
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
‘The role of the Pharmacist in Family Health and Pharmacy Brown Bag evening'
Professor Paul Gallagher, Head of School of Pharmacy, RCSI