
Pioneers in deep brain stimulation and cardiovascular diseases address conference

  • General news

Professor Helen Mayberg, renowned pioneer of deep brain stimulation to treat conditions such as depression, and Dr Jonathan Thon, a leading researcher in therapies for cardiovascular diseases are the keynote speakers at the inaugural RCSI Human Disease Mapping conference.

The two-day conference which begins today at RCSI was organised by small group of RCSI PhD scholars and will showcase the impacts made by young researchers across the world in the refinement of therapeutics and improvement of diagnostics in human disease.

The conference aims to promote scientific progress and to stimulate free exchange of ideas and findings among young researchers devoted to exploring the evolving map of human disease. Scientific sessions will cover a wide range of life-science themes, including neuroscience and psychiatry; cancer and respiratory disease; cardiovascular disease; and regenerative medicine, with emphasis on the unique impact that young investigators have made in the development of new therapies and diagnostics for disease.

Professor Helen Mayberg, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA delivered the opening keynote address this morning on the topic ‘Rethinking Depression and its Treatments: Insights from Studies of Deep Brain Stimulation’. 

Professor Mayberg has made astonishing breakthroughs in the field of deep brain stimulation – an invasive but reversible technique involving the implantation of electrodes into the brain to treat depression, Parkinson’s Disease and other disorders. Her work, which has yielded widespread success in the treatment of major depression, has been heralded as one of the first hypothesis-driven treatment strategies for a major mental illness.

Dr Jonathan Thon, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA, will deliver the afternoon keynote address ‘An Impactful Scientific Career’. Dr Thon is an award winning early career researcher. Dr Thon’s research focusses on developing bio-mimetic microfluidic platforms to generate functional platelets and new targeted therapies for thrombocytopenia.

Professor Gerry McElvaney, RCSI Professor of Medicine and Director of the structured PhD programme in which the organising committee of scholars are enrolled, said: ‘This conference is a fitting pinnacle of achievement by these PhD scholars who are in their final year in an innovative structured PhD programme in Diagnostics and Therapeutics for Human Disease, funded by the Health Research Board in Ireland. The scholars have done a fantastic job in organising this international conference; it is a tribute to their creativity and enthusiasm that we have two stellar keynote speakers addressing the conference and participating in round table discussions. In addition, the students have arranged data blitz presentations and an industry panel session to include career development advice across a range of opportunities.’

Oral and poster presentations will be delivered by PhD scholars and postdoctoral research fellows, while a number of key industry figures will discuss recent breakthroughs and potential career opportunities in their field. An evening reception on Thursday 30th will present an excellent opportunity for participants to network with their peers, experienced academics and industry representatives.

A round table discussion on the 31st will encourage scientific cross-talk between researchers. This format will allow all the participants to meet, exchange scientific ideas and discuss future research plans.