
RCSI Rugby unable to emulate Ireland's 6 Nations heroics

  • Students

RCSI Rugby descended on Paris on St Patrick's weekend. A squad of 33, ready to take on University Pierre-and-Marie-Curie (UPMC) arrived as the sun set on the Seine.

The biennial tour to Paris commenced with a team meeting before liaising with the UMPC rugby team for a tour of the university and its surrounding areas.

Friday was spent in the sunshine, as the sun split the rocks our rugby team donned their flip flops and shorts and cycled every inch of the city. Croissants were dipped in coffee, crepes eaten under the Eiffel Tower and baguettes were swung like swords. With heavy eyes and sunburned necks the team headed for dinner, the evening was hosted by UPMC Rugby Team.

Match day was finally upon us and our energetic team bounced out of their beds ready to defend the title. This year marked the 25th anniversary of the San Antoine (UPMC)-RCSI rugby alliance; the RCSI Alumni were out in force. In the 25 years RCSI has dominated with only three defeats; however a strong performance by UPMC in the first half saw them rack up a two-try lead.

In the second half RCSI came out fighting but it was too little too late, UPMC won on their home turf 27 to 25. With injured pride and bodies RCSI hobbled from the pitch, following the formalities of the speeches the torch was passed to the national team to regain the pride of the nation.

Spirits were lifted in the end when, after a cracking 6 Nations finale between Ireland and France, the 6 Nations trophy was raised over O’Driscoll’s head.