
Watch the opening lectures from the new RCSI MiniMed series

  • General news

The RCSI MiniMed Open Lecture Series 2014/15 commenced on Wednesday, 29 October with lectures by Helen Coughlan, Department of Psychiatry, followed by Professor Zena Moore and Julie Jordan O'Brien of the RCSI School of Nursing & Midwifery.

The lectures covered the topics of ‘Mental Health Matters' and ‘Leg Ulcers - More Than Just Skin Deep' and are now available to watch online.

Helen's lecture brings viewers through what it means to have good mental health and gives advice on how to look after your own mental health. She also gives some advice on how to recognise mental health problems and what to do if you spot these signs in yourself or someone you know. She talks about how to put the ‘5-a-day' for mental health and well-being; Connect; Be Active; Take Notice; Keep Learning and Give, into practice in everyday life. Prof Zena Moore and Julie Jordan O'Brien team up to deliver the second talk of the series on leg ulcers.

In this lecture, advice is given to those who may suffer, or knows someone suffering from this painful ailment. The issue is many who have ulcers don't seek a healthcare professional's help in getting them diagnosed and treated properly. Zena and Julie will encourage those with leg ulcers to seek professional help and stick with the treatment plan.

The next lectures in the series will take place on Wednesday, 26 November 2014, in RCSI St Stephen's Green and will be given by Professor Arnold Hill (Breast Cancer) and Professor Fergal Malone (Screening in Pregnancy).