
RCSI Rugby team victorious over Toulouse

  • Students
123 St Stephen's Green

Congratulations to the RCSI Rugby team who, under the new leadership of Martin Davey (2015-16 RCSI Rugby Team Captain) beat Toulouse Hospital Rugby Intern Club.

RCSI hosted the match in Dardistown on Friday evening (17 April) and secured a solid win of 17-7 over the visiting team.

Skipper Martin Davey describes the game through his eyes...

"After being camped out in their half, we were unlucky to see ourselves 7-0 down at half-time after a blocked down kick lead to their 13 running the ball under our posts. However our resilience in the second half was outstanding and ultimately won us the game. For me, an old rugby saying springs to mind in describing our performance, "forwards win the game for you, backs decide by how much". After 2-3 plays up front our backs opened up the French defence with Luke Trench, Barry Moore and Calum Quinn touching down, as we breached the French white wash on three occasions. The extras were added by Greg Hawe.

“For me, outstanding performances to name but a few, included Matthew White and Ian Savage Elliott. Thanks again to all the lads for coming out. I feel this game was not only a solid redemption for our defeat earlier in the year to our Parisians counterparts but also a high note to end the season and build for a more successful one next year.

“We've also being cordially invited for a return fixture in the south of France in 2017, so that's something to look forward to! It was a wonderful way to finish the season! We are looking forward to all that the RCSI rugby has to offer in 2015-16."

Well done again to all involved.