
Archery Club teams up with ISOC for Sisters' Games Night

  • General news
  • Students
123 St Stephen's Green

In conjunction with the Fresher's Week, Islamic Society (ISOC) teamed up with the Archery Club to hold the must-have programme for the newcomers of RCSI that was, the Sisters' Games Night.

The programme was organised exclusively for the female students as to ignite the sisterhood among the circle of new comers and not to forget, with the fellow seniors as well.

The event started off with an ice-breaking session, which they were required to sit in a circle and tell something about themselves according to the colour of M&M chocolate they picked and the assigned question. The session gave the opportunity for them to introduce themselves to others and they transformed from being just strangers to good friends.

There were also representatives from ISOC and Archery Club explaining and introducing the clubs to the students as to offer some exposures about the clubs in hoping that they'll be interested in enrolling them.

The evening was followed by a game of archery. To make the game more exciting, balloons were pinned onto the shooting boards as to replace the usual target papers. Archery Club offered this as a platform to teach the new students the basics about archery and they got a chance to show off their early potentials.

The game stopped as soon as it was time for pizza and cupcake party. It was evident that they were already mingling with each other while munching. With no doubts, the ultimate objective of this event had been reached.