
RCSI polo team represent Ireland in Home Nations tournament

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  • Students
123 St Stephen's Green

RCSI Polo (also representing Ireland) had a fantastic weekend in the UK at the Universities Home Nations Cup (England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland) in Cheshire, England.

The knockout tournament started with a match against Scotland, team captain Daniel MacManus said: "This was an intense match and it really pushed us to our team to the limit. Despite winning and drawing two chukkas the Scottish team were very good and had the advantage of being mounted on their own horses so they pulled away and won."

Sunday morning started with England playing Scotland for first and second place. England beat Scotland comfortably.

RCSI Polo (Team Ireland) took on Wales in the afternoon. It was a very close match and RCSI won the won the first chukka 3-1. They clawed back in the second and were a goal ahead by the third chukka. It was such an evenly pitted game and they were so close to winning it but a last minute penalty in the last chukka of the match swung it in Wales' favour.

Final year medicine student and polo captain Daniel MacManus summarised: "We are now playing such high quality polo we really have a strong few players on the circuit and can draw on their experience to coach and help us train in the new members. I'm very much looking forward to next week and sign up day to try get as many students involved as possible. Despite the narrow loss it was an incredibly important weekend for RCSI polo and for progressing the sport in Ireland."