
Broadcast to give secondary school students a unique insight into life as a doctor

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123 St Stephen's Green

RCSI has launched a new interactive live-streamed broadcast for second-level students called ‘So You Want To Be A Doctor?' The broadcast is a three-part series for students in transition, fifth and sixth year who may be considering a career as a doctor.

The series is presented by Professor Arnold Hill, Head of the School of Medicine, RCSI and will give a unique insight into what life is really like as a doctor by profiling leading healthcare professionals, all of whom began their career by studying medicine. The first episode will be streamed at 6pm on Thursday, 19 November.

Over the course of the three episodes Professor Hill will bring viewers to Dublin's Beaumont and Rotunda Hospitals, on a journey of discovery and get a glimpse into the lives of doctors who specialise in various medical fields. Students will learn about the work of a number of doctors including an obstetrician, a microbiologist, a gastroenterologist, a neurosurgeon and an orthopaedic surgeon and many more.

Commenting on the ‘So You Want To Be A Doctor?' series, Professor Hill said, "I am really excited about this series because it will showcase the various options and specialities open to students who study medicine. We want to show young people what some of these specialities involve and this will go a long way in helping students decide if a career as a doctor is for them. There's no better way to demonstrate this than to show viewers exactly what a day in the life of each of our doctors is like."

Professor Hill continued, "From watching this series, students can get a real insight into what the specialty is like and then have the ability to ask questions they may have on what they see in this programme and get them answered in real-time. This way they can make a better-informed decision when filling out their CAO form or if they are just deciding on what career they want to pursue."

‘So You Want To Be A Doctor?' will be broadcast at 6pm on Thursday, 19 November 2015, Wednesday, 9 December 2015 and Tuesday, 19 January 2016.