
RCSI Professor marks World Head and Neck Cancer Day

  • General news
123 St Stephen's Green

On the 27 July, World Head and Neck Cancer Day was marked by more than 50 countries worldwide. This year RCSI and Beaumont Hospital were both at the forefront of healthcare education by offering the general public an informative and educational evening promoting awareness of the many forms of Head and Neck Cancer.

The day began with a Head and Neck screening in Beaumont Hospital where 95 people received a full screen. On the day two articles were published in the Irish Times Health + Family supplement, written by Professor James Paul O'Neill, Professor of Otolaryngology, RCSI and ENT surgeon, Beaumont Hospital.

These articles were on the topics of Oropharyngeal Cancer (HPV and vaccination) and on thyroid cancer in Ireland and the changes in its management.

Later on that evening and with the support of the US Ambassador, Kevin O'Malley, World Head and Neck Cancer Day continued with presentations in the Ambassador's residence in the Phoenix Park, Dublin.

Speaking at the event, which was attended by 130 people, was Dr Luc Morris, a native of California, Dr Iain Nixon from Edinburgh, UK and Professor O'Neill from RCSI and Beaumont Hospital. Colleagues from the National Cancer Care Programme and the National Cancer Registry were in attendance along with a mix of trainees, nurses, cancer surgeons, physicians and patients.

The titles of the presentations given on the day were:

  • 'Head and neck cancer in Ireland' - Professor James Paul O'Neill, RCSI
  • 'The hype and hope of precision head and neck cancer therapy' - Dr Luc Morris, MSKCC, New York
  • 'The evolving management of thyroid cancer' - Mr Iain Nixon, Edinburgh

View a full bank of photographs from the US embassy event here.