
RCSI success in new programme to advance clinical research capability among doctors

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New programme to advance clinical research

Minister Harris announces €13 million funding for Wellcome - HRB Irish Clinical Academic Training Programme.

RCSI Director of Research Professor Ray Stallings is among a team of Irish-based clinical academics who have secured one of seven major awards that have been made across the UK and Ireland by Wellcome.

The scheme, which will be known as Wellcome - HRB Irish Clinical Academic Training Programme, will support the intake of eight postgraduate trainee doctors a year for a five-year period, providing fully integrated clinical and research training up to consultant level.

The award represents an overall investment of almost €13m with €7.5m coming from Wellcome and the Health Research Board (HRB) matched with a further combined contribution of €5.5 million from the Health Service Executive and the Health and Social Care Research and Development Office, Northern Ireland, and the partner higher education institutions.

The programme will be open to applications in autumn 2016 for an intake beginning in July 2017.

Professor Ray Stallings, Director of Research, RCSI and Co-investigator, Wellcome-HRB Irish Clinical Academic Training Programme said: "RCSI welcomes the announcement to establish this award to advance the clinical research capability among doctors under Wellcome - HRB Irish Clinical Academic Training Programme. As an exclusively health sciences-focused educational and research institution with strong links to acute hospitals, this programme is closely aligned with the College's vision to develop and enhance translational research for the benefit of patients and to improve the health of the community."

Announcing the programme today Minister for Health Simon Harris said: "A research-active health system is proven to have better outcomes for patients. Patients will be the long-term winners as this collaborative investment will fundamentally improve both the number and calibre of Clinician Scientists working in our universities and health services. I'm really pleased to announce this significant investment in the future of the health service, and I know the positive impact for patient care is going to be very real. I welcome the strong collaboration that is core to this research award, and I am particularly pleased that Northern Ireland is part of it, making this an all island and multi-institutional Programme."

The north's Health Minister, Michelle O Neill said: "This is the largest ever investment in academic medicine through an all island collaborative partnership and it will make a real difference to the health of people across the island of Ireland and further afield. This initiative demonstrates what can be achieved through collaborative working across the whole island of Ireland."

The partner institutions involved in the programme include Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, NUI Galway, University College Cork, RCSI and Queen's University Belfast. Each academic partner is affiliated to hospitals and hospital groups in their region. A crucial coordinating role was played by Molecular Medicine Ireland, the collaborative entity owned by the higher education institution partners.

Professor Michael Gill the Principal Investigator on the Wellcome-HRB Irish Clinical Academic Training Programme said: "Our goal in securing this award was to enable a fundamental change in the training of future academic clinicians on an all-Ireland basis. At its core is a fully integrated clinical and research programme that will provide seamless, supported and mentored training of the highest standard, targeting future clinical academic leaders in the universities and health care system. The programme will identify, recruit, and mentor doctors during their postgraduate training who have the potential to become future academic leaders. They will be supported through a structured career pathway, aligned with our national research strengths and postgraduate specialities. In doing so, this programme will position Ireland well to meet future challenges in clinical innovation and excellence in healthcare. Our application has the full support of all major stakeholders; the Postgraduate Forum representing specialist training bodies, the Health Services North and South, the Universities and the Health Research Board. Trainee Clinician Scientists will be based at six major Irish universities in Belfast, Cork, Dublin and Galway, and will be able to take advantage of existing clinical research infrastructures and supports in their associated hospitals, many of which have been funded by the HRB."

According to Dr Graham Love, Chief Executive at the Health Research Board: "We are committed to fostering a research-active culture among health professionals so they can continually evolve and improve care. It is great to see that the ongoing collaboration between the HRB and Wellcome Trust continues to extend new opportunities to researchers in Ireland."

Dr Anne-Marie Coriat, Head of Research Careers at Wellcome said: "This is one of seven new clinical PhD programmes across the UK and Ireland that Wellcome has funded. Training small groups of PhD students in programmes provides an opportunity to develop cohort focussed training opportunities and further embed clinical academic training within universities and university hospitals."