
10 years of undergraduate research celebrated at the RCSI Research Summer School

  • Students
Research Summer School 2019

RCSI’s commitment to research and undergraduate learning experiences was celebrated at a reception to mark the 10-year anniversary of the RCSI Research Summer School.

Since the programme was established in 2010, 1,000 students have taken part in research projects to answer scientific research questions. Each summer, participating students spend approximately eight weeks in a laboratory, clinical or research setting, working on projects under the supervision of an RCSI Principal Investigator (PI) or research lead.

Led by Dr Sarah O’Neill, the programme introduces students to scientific research and fosters an understanding of how research can be translated from the laboratory bench into practical use with patients. Working with research supervisors, students develop their understanding of the discipline and teamwork required in the healthcare research across project management, data analysis, lab techniques, research writing and presentation.

Celebrating the anniversary, Prof. Hannah McGee, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, said: “The Research Summer School is one of the scholarly innovations that we are most proud of. Ten years is a remarkable achievement, with almost 1,000 students embracing the opportunity to work with inspiring PIs on major research challenges of today, to find healthcare solutions for tomorrow.”

Research Summer School

Projects range across a broad spectrum of disciplines, from biochemistry, bioinformatics, molecular biology, immunology and inflammation, microbiology, molecular oncology, neurosciences and physiology, pharmacology, and cognitive science to clinical investigation and bioethics. Find out more here.