
New RCSI MyHealth series to address mental health, positive aging and obesity

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RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences has launched the 2022/2023 RCSI MyHealth series, aimed at bringing trusted healthcare information to the public.

This year's series will be available as a podcast for the first time, as well as video. It will bring together experts who will explore a range of health issues through the prism of lifestyle medicine. Lifestyle medicine advocates for evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic intervention in helping prevent and treat chronic disease.

The first three episodes of the series are:

The first episode, addressing youth mental health, features Professor Pat McGorry, a psychiatrist known world-wide for his development and scaling up of early intervention and youth mental health services. Irish-born, Professor McGorry is Professor of Youth Mental Health at the University of Melbourne, and founding editor of the journal Early Intervention in Psychiatry.

Later in the series, RCSI experts will address issues including childhood allergies and men's mental and physical health.

RCSI MyHealth is part of RCSI's commitment to enhancing human health by providing expert-driven healthcare information. The series supports the advancement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal on good health and wellbeing.

Launching the series, Professor Hannah McGee, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, RCSI said: "We know that the public are keen to have access to expert-driven healthcare information. RCSI MyHealth aims to demystify common health concerns by sharing the expertise of RCSI's researchers, clinicians and population health experts.

"As a health sciences university, we feel a particular responsibility to use our knowledge to help people to improve their physical and mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic raised awareness of the need for open access to accurate health information. This important series will equip people with the tools needed to deal with the challenges presented to us and will empower them to live longer, healthier and happier lives," added Prof. McGee.

5,380 people registered for eight virtual events in the 2021/22 series. The virtual events have been viewed over 12,600 times on YouTube, with the episode on 'Living well through perimenopause and menopause' receiving over 4,177 views alone, the most popular episode in the last series.

Further details are available at and you can search for 'RCSI MyHealth' on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.