Transition year students get a taste of a career in medicine at RCSI MiniMed

The annual RCSI Transition Year MiniMed Programme takes place this week with 200 school students due to hear from the country's top medical experts and get hands-on experience at RCSI’s world-class education facilities.
Now in its 16th year, the event continues to grow in popularity. During the week, students will participate in interactive lectures and workshops and witness real-life procedures and more than 3,500 students will also join online.
This year's MiniMed sessions include lectures with leading clinicians, including Dr Siobhan Forman, doctor for the Irish soccer team, Professor Arnold Hill, Chair of Surgery in RCSI Beaumont and Dean of Medical Programmes, and Professor Fergal Malone, RCSI Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Basic life support
Students will receive clinical skills training as well as practical experience in a wide range of specialties, including infectious diseases, sports medicine, surgery, paediatrics, transplants and forensic pathology.
During simulations, the transition year students will perform basic life support on dummy patients, learn to interpret vital signs, experience a mock operating room scenario and take part in a neurology workshop. Participants will even watch a real-life Caesarean section, lung transplant and a laparoscopic surgery.
"This week, the students will get the unique opportunity to use the latest innovative technology in medicine as well as hear insights from and pose questions to some of Ireland's top healthcare professionals," said Professor Steven Kerrigan, Academic Lead for the MiniMed programme.
"We hope that in offering the MiniMed Programme we are inspiring and educating the next generation of potential healthcare professionals on what it is like to train and work in the field of medicine."
Careers in healthcare
In addition to the medical lectures and workshops, transition year students will also receive broader advice on mental health and completing the HPAT exam.
RCSI MiniPharm and MiniPhysio online programmes will also run later this week. Attendees will learn what they can look forward to in their potential education and careers as pharmacists, physiotherapists and within the pharmaceutical industry.
You can find further details or watch the live-streamed sessions here.