RCSI’s Professor Tracy Robson co-chairs international cancer conference

The European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) have collaborated with the Irish Association for Cancer Research (IACR) to bring their Basic and Translational Research Conference series to Dublin on 27-29 February 2024.
The upcoming EACR-AACR-IACR conference, ‘How to Bring Basic Science Discoveries to the Clinic’ at the Convention Centre Dublin, will bring together almost 500 experts in the fields of immunology, drug development, tumour microenvironment, genomics and epigenetics with a shared commitment to overcoming cancer. Professor Tracy Robson, Head of the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences at RCSI, will co-chair the conference in her role as President of the IACR.
The IACR is also holding a one-day satellite meeting at RCSI on Monday 26 February from 09:30-19:00. The meeting welcomes researchers from the fields of biomedical sciences, allied health and survivorship to discuss the latest advances in cancer research. The meeting also includes a session to support the career development of early-stage cancer researchers in Ireland, and a dedicated public and patient involvement (PPI) session. Registration for the event is still open.
Commenting on the event, Professor Robson said: “It’s fantastic to see such influential scientific conferences coming to Dublin, putting Irish cancer research firmly on the international stage. At RCSI, we have been encouraging collaboration in cancer research for many years and we hope to continue these discussions at both meetings and showcase the benefit of team-based approaches to cancer research.”
Latest advancements
The EACR-AACR-IACR conference scientific programme blends basic and translational research from preclinical models to patients. Attendees will hear of the latest advancements in cutting-edge topics such as immunotherapy, mechanisms of drug resistance, and the complexities of the tumor microenvironment, catering to both the scientific and clinical communities.
Professor Jarushka Naidoo, Academic Professor of Medical Oncology at the RCSI Department of Medicine and Professor Annette Byrne, Head of the RCSI Precision Cancer Medicine Group, will both feature on the programme as speakers.
The conference aligns with the IACR's 60th anniversary and will open with a special symposium to mark the milestone, entitled ‘Team Science Approaches to Fast-Track Innovations to the Clinic’. This will have a particular focus on the all-island approach to cancer research, highlighting the initiatives taking place in Ireland and Northern Ireland in collaboration with cancer research colleagues globally.
For more detailed information including the programme and to register, visit the conference's official website.