Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) and Advanced Midwife Practitioner (AMP) roles in Ireland have evolved and expanded in recent years, in response to Ireland’s healthcare service needs. A clear policy framework for advanced practice nursing now exists that is responsive to heath service needs and aligns with national nursing health policy (DOH, 2017) and professional nursing regulation (NMBI, 2017).
The educational programmes that prepare nurses to practice at an advanced level in clinical settings must complement the requirements of such health policy and profession standards criteria while meeting the healthcare needs of the population.
RCSI's approach to advanced practice nursing
The advanced practice nursing programmes at RCSI School of Nursing and Midwifery provide innovative and practical frameworks to guide the educational and professional development of nurses and midwives progressing to ANP/AMP roles. The programmes offer nurses and midwifes the opportunity to develop the appropriate knowledge and clinical skills required for ANP/AMP roles through reflection and practice experience, clinical learning, online learning, face-to-face learning and clinical simulation practice.
RCSI's advanced practice nursing programmes acknowledge and prioritise the mentoring and clinical support requirements for each student to realise their full potential as ANP/AMPs. These programmes are suitable for nurses and midwives working within and between a variety of healthcare settings and services.