Colleagues doing stretching exercises in the workplace.

Leading Workplace Health and Well-being

Positive health

Course details

In today's fast-paced world, the well-being of employees is paramount to organisational success. Leaders play a pivotal role in fostering positive workplace cultures that prioritise health and well-being. Recognising the profound impact of lifestyle-related diseases on productivity and morale, the World Health Organisation underscores the urgency for proactive measures. Heart disease, lung ailments, cancers, and diabetes claim over 38 million lives annually, with 16 million being premature – an alarming statistic that underscores the imperative for intervention.

Enter the Professional Diploma in Leading Workplace Health and Well-being, an accredited, interdisciplinary postgraduate programme meticulously crafted for people leaders across sectors who are interested in creating and sustaining positive workplace cultures. Grounded in the latest research from disciplines like lifestyle/integrated medicine, positive psychology, and positive organisational research, this diploma empowers leaders with the knowledge and tools to create thriving workplaces where well-being flourishes.

Delivered over nine months in a blended format of online lectures, interactive webinars, and practice-based assignments, this programme equips leaders with practical strategies to integrate evidence-based approaches into their organisational frameworks. Accredited by the National University of Ireland and RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, this level 9 programme caters to the needs of leaders seeking to champion positive change in workplace health and well-being.

Whether you're a healthcare professional, educator, legal expert, or manager, this diploma offers a transformative journey towards cultivating cultures of well-being. By investing in leadership development focused on health and well-being, organisations can not only enhance employee satisfaction and productivity but also foster resilience in the face of challenges, ensuring sustained success in today's dynamic work environments. Join us in leading the charge towards healthier, happier workplaces for all.

  • Assessment mode: Continuous assessment
  • Course duration: Nine months
  1. Critically discuss new and emerging approaches to health and well-being
  2. Identify and evaluate the implications of new healthcare paradigms, especially lifestyle and integrative medicine in relation to the workplace.
  3. Critically evaluate and reflect on how increased self-awareness can be used to increase your own health and well-being 
  4. Examine and critique the impact of the principles of positive psychology on health and well-being
  5. Identify the core principles of positive organisational scholarship and critically evaluate their impact on employee engagement and well-being.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and professional advancement through our Professional Diploma in Leading Workplace Health and Well-being. This course is designed to empower you with the essential skills to not only uphold personal health and well-being in the workplace but also drive systemic improvements that elevate standards across the board.

Delve into a comprehensive curriculum that seamlessly integrates leadership development, positive psychology, lifestyle medicine and positive organisational scholarship. By blending these disciplines, our programme equips you with the holistic toolkit necessary for success in health, corporate, and educational settings.

  1. Creating positive health and well-being in the workplace
  2. Leadership and positive organisational scholarship
  3. Maintaining and enhancing a culture of positive health in the workplace.

Meet Dr Mary Collins, our esteemed programme director. With over 20 years of experience in leadership development and talent management, Mary is a chartered psychologist (BPS) and senior practitioner coach (EMCC). In her role as senior executive development specialist at RCSI Centre for Positive Health Sciences, she focuses on enhancing the management, coaching, and leadership capabilities of senior healthcare leaders through executive development programs, including PhD-level courses. Dr Collins' expertise extends to the multigenerational workplace, women in leadership, and emotional intelligence and leadership, making her a sought-after speaker and researcher in these areas.

Before joining RCSI, she served as head of talent and learning at Deloitte Ireland for seven years, where she honed her skills in talent and leadership development across sectors. Accredited as a senior professional executive coach and coach assessor by the European Coaching and Mentoring Council (EMCC), Dr Collins also holds the role of co-chair of the Coaching Psychology Division of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI). Recognised for her outstanding contributions, Mary received a prestigious 'Coaching Hero Award' in 2019 from Kingstown College.

Dr Collins' scholarly work, including her doctoral research published in Managing Professionals and Other Smart People and her recent book Recruiting Talented Professionals, demonstrates her commitment to advancing knowledge in the field. Currently, she is working on a book titled Emotional Intelligence and Dentistry, scheduled for publication in 2024. Dr Collins' passion for empowering professionals shines through her extensive achievements and ongoing dedication to excellence.


Our academic programme will be delivered through a blend of online content and activities, onsite days, and live interactive sessions, to offer a collaborative and supported student experience.

You will have the opportunity to become part of an international, healthcare-focused, learning community, no matter where you are based.

Per module, there will be live (or synchronous sessions) where live material is delivered in real-time via the online teaching platform, or non-live (or asynchronous sessions) consisting of pre-recorded lectures, videos, readings and tutorials.

Please note that Module 2, Leadership & Positive Organisational Scholarship, will include two classroom days on-site in RCSI.

Activity Approximate hours
Interactive lectures 24
Coursework preparation 30
Independent learning time 120
Tutor-supported online learning 36
Assessment planning and writeup 40
Total 250


Timetables will be made available to students during their orientation module in August 2024.

All sessions are recorded and can be viewed at a time that suits your needs. During orientation, you will be shown where to find your module schedules on the virtual learning environment (VLE).

Please note that RCSI reserves the right to make changes to the academic timetables, and any updates will be communicated to students accordingly.  

Leading Workplace Health and Well-being plays a pivotal role in shaping skills for specific careers and is essential for individuals in established leadership roles across various sectors including healthcare, corporate, and education.

Career Relevance

In specific career paths, such as human resources, organisational development, or occupational health, possessing strong leadership skills in workplace health and well-being is crucial. Professionals in these fields are tasked with creating and implementing strategies to promote employee wellness, enhance productivity, and foster a positive work environment. Mastery in leading workplace health initiatives equips individuals with the expertise needed to navigate complex challenges and drive meaningful change within their respective industries.

Leadership Enhancement

For individuals in established leadership roles, whether as managers, executives, or directors, prioritising workplace health and well-being is paramount. Effective leaders recognise the direct correlation between employee well-being and organisational success. By championing initiatives that prioritise mental and physical wellness, leaders can cultivate a culture of care, trust, and resilience within their teams. This not only boosts employee morale and engagement but also enhances overall performance and retention rates.

Healthcare Sector

In healthcare, where the well-being of both patients and staff is paramount, leadership in workplace health is particularly critical. Leaders in healthcare settings must address unique challenges such as burnout, stress management, and fostering a culture of safety and support. By prioritising workplace health and well-being, healthcare leaders can improve staff satisfaction, reduce turnover, and ultimately enhance patient care outcomes.

Corporate Environment

Within corporate settings, where demands and stressors can be high, effective leadership in workplace health and well-being is essential for maintaining employee satisfaction, productivity, and organisational success. Leaders who prioritise employee wellness initiatives demonstrate a commitment to the overall welfare of their workforce, which can lead to increased loyalty, innovation, and profitability.

Education Sector

In educational institutions, leadership in workplace health and well-being is instrumental in creating supportive environments for both educators and students. School leaders who prioritise staff well-being foster a positive organisational culture that directly impacts student achievement and overall school performance. Additionally, educators who receive support for their well-being are better equipped to meet the diverse needs of their students and contribute effectively to the learning environment.

In summary, leading workplace health and well-being is not only important for specific career paths but also vital for individuals in leadership roles across various sectors. By prioritising employee wellness, leaders can drive positive organisational outcomes, enhance performance, and create environments where individuals can thrive personally and professionally.


View our Leading Workplace Health and Well-being webinar below.

Programme info Webinar - Leading Workplace Health and Well-being