Ophthalmic Nursing

Nursing and midwifery

Course details

The Postgraduate Diploma in Ophthalmic Nursing will prepare you to exercise an advanced level of clinical judgment and practice – beyond what is required of a registered general nurse (RGN) – in your specialist area of ophthalmology.

The programme aims to assist you in taking a leading role in advancing and developing nursing and midwifery in this area, and effecting policy change in professional practice and health service provision.

The programme is delivered part-time over one year, with an option to complete the programme over a period of up to three years if necessary. Once you have successfully completed this postgraduate diploma you may decide to progress to Year 2 of the Masters in Science (MSc) Nursing, in your chosen specialist area.

Course code: C10791

Learning outcomes

This programme will provide you with the skills and knowledge to: 

  • Demonstrate knowledge of standard and specialised ophthalmic skills (where applicable) in relation to nursing practice/management of patients suffering from anterior ocular segment conditions. 
  • Discuss and demonstrate an understanding of clinically applied anatomy and physiology of the cornea, aqueous system, uveal tract and lens. 
  • Evaluate, recognise and explain the common symptomatology of the pathology of the aforementioned ocular structures. 
  • Discuss and identify and explain the diagnostic investigations relevant to disorders affecting the aforementioned ocular structures. 
  • Discuss, identify and explain the diagnostic investigations relevant to disorders affecting the aforementioned ocular structures. 


A blended learning approach is utilised in this programme, to promote lifelong learning and professional development for all nursing staff. 

The programme modules are:

Module name Credits Assessment method
Advanced Research Methods 10 Assignment
Advanced Leadership - Professional & Clinical 10 Assignment
Professional Critical Reflexivity and Competence
10 Assignment and clinical portfolio
Nursing Practice/Management of Patients suffering from Anterior Ocular Segment Conditions 10 Case study and exam
Nursing Practice/Management of Patients suffering from Posterior Ocular Segment Conditions 10 Case study and exam
Nursing Practice/Management of Patients suffering from External Ocular Conditions 10 Case study and exam