Physician Associate Studies

Physician associates

Entry requirements

Applicants must hold a level 8 Health Science or science-related degree with a minimum classification 2.2 award or equivalent qualification.

UK citizens are required to make contact via email at in advance on submitting an application to discuss your current status. All applicants must have a valid Irish, UK, or EU passport. 

Please note

We are currently training and qualifying physician associates to work and remain in the Irish healthcare system.

All RCSI students are classified as healthcare workers and vaccination against COVID-19 is strongly recommended.

Failure to maintain your EU passport during the programme would render you ineligible to remain on the programme. 

As part of the selection process applicants are required to submit the following supporting documentation:

  • Copy of your passport, showing personal details.
  • Personal statement of no more than 1,000 words outlining why you are interested in pursuing a career as a physician associate and why you feel your application has merit.
  • Two reference letters, one of which must be an academic reference. Reference letters can be uploaded with your application, or sent directly to by the referee.
  • Certified, or stamped copy of academic transcripts (or interim transcripts).
  • CV outlining your education qualifications and work experience.
  • Copy of an academic IELTS examination or equivalent with an overall score of 7.0 and no individual band below 6.5 (for candidates whose first language is not English). This certificate must be issued with at least two years validity.
  • You may also send any additional information that you feel is relevant to your application.

In addition, candidates must be available for interview. For more information, please contact

Garda vetting

Garda vetting is required as a standard part of the registration process. Applicants who accept an offer to register on the course will begin the Garda vetting process prior to registration. All students are provisionally registered until they have received clearance from the Garda authorities. Students who fail to secure Garda clearance or who present with serious criminal convictions may be discontinued.

Please contact if you have any queries.