The Hon. Mr Justice Peter Kelly to deliver ‘Lessons in Leadership' lecture at RCSI

The Hon. Mr Justice Peter Kelly will present a talk entitled ‘Lessons in Leadership' this evening as part of the RCSI Institute of Leadership Lecture Series. The lecture will be delivered to more than 100 health professionals at 6pm at RCSI (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland), 123 St Stephen's Green, Dublin.
Professor Ciarán O' Boyle, Director of the RCSI Institute of Leadership said: "We are absolutely delighted to welcome one of Ireland's most competent legal professionals - Mr Justice Peter Kelly to deliver this evening's 'Lessons in Leadership' lecture. Mr Justice Peter Kelly will share his experiences from various legal settings and present their application in the healthcare setting."
Tonight's lecture is now fully booked but you can join the conversation online, at 6pm this evening, on Twitter at #RCSILeadership The RCSI Institute of Leadership Lecture Series is free of charge but registration is essential in order to guarantee a place.
The RCSI Institute of Leadership is Ireland's only third level institution dedicated exclusively to developing the leadership and management capacity of health professionals. While the Institute is an academic institution, it maintains close connections with the world of healthcare delivery. Its Masters programmes are characterised by flexibility, speed of response, customer service and a blended learning approach that allows students to learn while continuing to work. The Institute has campuses in Dublin, Bahrain and Dubai and it also delivers programmes in Abu Dhabi, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Sub-Saharan Africa.