RCSI Institute of Leadership delivers programme for surgeons

On the 21 January, 12 surgeons from Germany, Italy, France, Greece, India, Jordan, Ireland and the UK attended Module 1 of the first every European Clinical Leadership Development Programme at the RCSI Institute of Leadership.
The programme consists of three x three-day modules where participants will learn about leadership, emotional intelligence, quality systems, team development, finance, developing a business case, critical thinking, risk management, and at the end of the programme will have completed a change project in their place of work. The programme has been made possible by a generous training grant from Acility.
Speaking after the course, participant Gabriele Bertoni, Consultant Surgeon in Milan, commented: “The course that you have set up is one of the best I have ever participated to. Part (or maybe, the most part, as I perceive it) of this success is due to my utter need for gaining in the knowledge of what this course is about."