Inaugural Integrated Leadership Development Programme launched

In February, the RCSI Institute of Leadership launched its inaugural Integrated Leadership Development Programme for a HSE Hospital Group (RCSI HG) and an associated Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO 9).
The programme was formally launched by Mr Ian Carter (Chief Executive Officer, RCSI Hospital Group) and Mr Gerry O'Neill (Chief Officer, CHO 9).
During the launch both Mr Carter and Mr O'Neill highlighted their strong support for the programme, and the important role that an integrative approach plays in successfully joining up service delivery across the Hospital Group and CHO in order to ultimately improve patient care and experience.
The nine-day programme provides time for participants to develop their signature leadership strengths in a safe and stimulating environment.
By working with colleagues across service boundaries, participants have an opportunity to build sustainable networks with peers that they otherwise may not usually come into contact with. Working relationships and integration of service delivery will be further strengthened by all participants engaging in strategic group projects that tackle real-world Hospital Group and CHO issues that have been identified by the executive sponsors.