Your time at RCSI

Your time studying at RCSI might be over, but the friends you've made and the relationships you formed are for life.

Many of you will have come from thousands of miles away to study at RCSI and keeping in touch after graduation can often be difficult with busy lives.

Reconnect with a classmate

If you are looking to reconnect with a classmate, then we will try our best to help. Whilst we can't pass on an individual's details, we can look to send a message to anyone we have on our system to get permission to put you in touch.

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Reunion photos/yearbooks

We have an archive of class reunion photos and yearbooks from graduating classes. If you'd like to receive a copy of your yearbook or photo, please get in touch with your request and graduating year and we’ll do what we can to help.

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RCSI through the decades

Do you remember walking through the doors of RCSI for the first time? Or passing through the front doors after graduation?

So many things happened in between those two significant days.

Look back fondly on these memories and discover what your decade at RCSI looked like.

External view of RCSI in the 1950s

In the 1950s, RCSI was fondly referred to as 'Surgeons' by students and exams took place in the College Hall.

You also told us that 26% of you fell in love in RCSI in the 50s.


"Surgeons was the most enjoyable experience of my life."

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Old Anatomy Lab

Professor Paddy Collins was a popular lecturer for our classes of the 1960s. Many of you also remember dancing at the Gresham and Bio Soc Balls.

Dublin in 1969

"Grafton Street was a two-way street [in the 60s]. All the traffic, buses, cars, motorbikes and other vehicles went up and down the street. Sitting upstairs on a double decker bus you could almost shake hands with diners on the second floor of the old Bewley's restaurant!" – Dr Sheik Basheer, Medicine Class of 1961

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1970s extension on York Street

In April 1974, the 'new building' on York Street is opened. Also in 1978, RCSI became a recognised college of the National University of Ireland.

Johny Carpark

"Johnny Carpark was a real Dubliner, who went from parking cars in the street to organising the carpark in the College. He was a true entrepreneur with this battered cap, adept at squeezing cars into impossibly small spaces."

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RCSi Library in the 1970s

In the late 1980s Beaumont Hospital became RCSI's primary teaching hospital. The 80s were certainly the decade of love for many students, with 38% saying they fell in love in RCSI in the 80s.


"Cupid struck at a 4th Med basement dance, with wedding bells in final med and a baby boy delivered six weeks after graduation. He too would later become an RCSI grad!" – Dr Mary Louise O'Driscoll, Medicine Class of 1982.

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Mercer Library

The Mercer Library opened in the early 1990s on the site of the old Mercer Hospital. Thus begins a period of expansion and development for RCSI, with the development of our Undergraduate schools in 1999.

The Swan

"Friday nights consisted of The Swan, Annabel's and then on to leggs!"

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