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Solving the world’s healthcare problems may take more than a lifespan to achieve but, through the RCSI_TOMORROW campaign, our work today will improve patient outcomes tomorrow.

Our priorities

The RCSI_TOMORROW campaign identifies areas of strategic priority for RCSI where additional philanthropic support will accelerate progress, advance breakthroughs and ultimately support healthy populations in Ireland and around the world.

Graphic illustration of Earth Give now

Support RCSI in developing world-class facilities to support healthy populations in Ireland and around the world.

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Your impact

RCSI turns your generosity into impact for students and patients across the world.

Fergal O Brien IRFU launch

"This partnership provides a real opportunity for a paradigm-shifting approach to treat complex spinal cord injuries." 

Prof. Fergal O'Brien, Director for RCSI Office of Research and Innovation and  Professor of Bioengineering & Regenerative Medicine at RCSI More about the partnership

Corporate partnerships

RCSI researchers

Through our comprehensive corporate partnerships programme we partner with industry to make a lasting difference to the lives of people worldwide.

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Leaving a bequest to RCSI

Legacy giving campaign

You can create a lasting legacy. Remembering RCSI in your Will can help support the University as a whole or an aspect of University life with which you have a particular affinity.

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