Converge: Centre for Chronic Disease and Population Health Research

The RCSI School of Population Health aims to transform the way that population-level data and research platforms are deployed in Ireland to make key decisions for prevention and reduction of chronic disease burden.

Converge: Centre for Chronic Disease and Population Health Research will attract, inspire and shape the careers of a new generation of leaders, scientists and practitioners engaged in the development of new integrated, population-level models, methodologies and interventions for complex, multimorbidity conditions.

The Centre is led by Prof. Edward Gregg as part of a Science Foundation Ireland-funded Research Professorship Grant and promises to be a significant and exciting development in population health research.

Researchers in this new Centre will work with a national and international team of partners and collaborators to deliver outputs and impact to policy makers worldwide, with essential data to prioritise specific interventions to specific populations to reduce the burden of chronic diseases.

Converge will serve as the coordinating hub for three integrated streams of SFI-funded research:

  • An epidemiology and disease burden stream that will develop a novel data ecosystem and execute a series of epidemiologic studies to prioritise the current emerging, and future health priorities in chronic disease and morbidity in Ireland and globally
  • A population implementation and effectiveness stream will develop and use new population registries and integrated data sources to quantify the impact of care and prevention in the real world, taking both an Irish and global perspective
  • A health impact and economic modelling platform will develop novel disease progression models and health impact models to prioritise intervention and risk stratification options

The Centre will recruit a team of cutting-edge researchers, as well as doctoral scholars at the RCSI School of Population Health. Researchers at the centre will collaborate closely with other world-class institutions and researchers, including the World Health Organisation, Imperial College London, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Maynooth University, the University of Galway and the HSE.

Learn more about Converge: Centre for Chronic Disease and Population Health Research.