Teaching and education
HPEC supports the professional development of health professions educators through a wide range of initiatives, including one-to-one consultancies, training, peer observation of teaching and formal teaching qualifications.
Our aim is to equip health professions educators with evidence-based teaching and learning strategies to help them to utilise contemporary learning theories within practical teaching contexts. We also aim to connect health professions educators with each other; nurturing a vibrant community of like-minded professionals. Specific areas of teaching and learning expertise within the HPEC team include: assessment, technology-enhanced learning, curriculum development, and cultural competence.
Professional Diploma in Health Professions Education
As well as providing in-house education workshops, HPEC now offers healthcare professionals learning innovation through our Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professions Education.
Join our growing community of health professions educators through a formal teaching qualification.
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Virtual patients
Virtual patients (VPs) are interactive computer simulations of real‐life clinical scenarios. They were developed at RCSI to support students to become more patient-centred in their communication skills and gain more exposure to a range of clinical scenarios.
The virtual patient platform integrates videos of patient cases with a decision path structure. It enables students to develop their communication skills through self-assessment and practice, providing automated personalised feedback for each engagement. VPs are a unique offering from RCSI that we have developed to allow students to practice consultation skills.
Each simulation is developed by a team of subject matter experts and 13 VPs have been developed: six basic consultation types, based on history taking skills; and seven of the more complex consultations, based on topics such as disclosing medical error to a patient or breaking bad news.
Simulations are delivered on a platform which is device agnostic, meaning it can be used on any smartphone, tablet or desktop device anywhere with an internet connection.
Digital engaged learning
The Digitally Engaged Learning (DEL) Hub aims to provide help and support for members of the RCSI community who would like to develop skills in planning and implementing blended or online learning programmes.
For more information about HPEC's teachings, please email hpec@rcsi.ie.