The RCSI SIM Centre for Simulation Education and Research aims to improve patient safety, education and research through immersive and realistic experiential simulation-based learning techniques and tools.
RCSI SIM embodies RCSI's vision to push the boundaries of innovation to provide a next generation learning environment.

RCSI SIM is certified as a CAE Centre of Excellence.

RCSI SIM was named 'Education Lab of the Year' for 2019 by the Irish Laboratory Awards.

RCSI SIM is accredited with the Network of Accredited Skills Centres in Europe.

We have published over 80 research papers in leading journals since 2018.
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Dublin Fire Brigade paramedic students are hugely appreciative of the opportunity to experience assessing and treating responsive patients in a realistic and safe environment at RCSI. It allows them to put what they have learned into perspective and to experience how their interventions may improve the health of patients, thereby helping them appreciate the importance of their role.
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