
Treating Chronic Disease: Assessing Value and Improving Outcomes

  • Date: 19 September 2024
  • Time: 12:00 - 13:30
  • Category: General events 
  • Location: Online

Assessing value and improving outcomes in the treatment of chronic diseases is crucial to optimising healthcare delivery and patient well-being. Chronic diseases require ongoing management and pose significant challenges to healthcare systems, due to their long-term nature and associated costs.

In assessing value, healthcare providers and policymakers must consider the effectiveness, efficiency and cost of treatments. This involves evaluating the clinical outcomes of interventions and ensuring the optimal allocation of resources. Improving outcomes in chronic disease treatment necessitates a multifaceted approach, including evidence-based practices, personalised medicine, and patient-centered care models. 

This third webinar in the Chronic Disease in Ireland: How to Achieve Better Outcomes series will focus on treating chronic diseases, specifically exploring assessing value and improving outcomes. 

This webinar will delve into healthcare interventions that improve patient outcomes and provide value. Speakers will discuss implementation of the integrated model of care for the prevention and management of chronic disease and its impact to date; assessing value and improving outcomes in diabetes; and why dementia matters in treating chronic diseases

Our speakers are:

  • Dr Sarah O’Brien, National Clinical Advisor and Group Lead for Chronic Disease, HSE
  • Dr Kate Gajewska, Clinical Manager for Advocacy and Research, Diabetes Ireland
  • Professor Eamon O'Shea, Director, National Centre for Social Research on Dementia, University of Galway

The webinar series is in association with Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Ireland and EY Ireland, and is moderated by Dr Ronan Glynn, Health Sector Lead, EY Ireland.