Doctor of Philosophy


Fees and funding

EU applicants (2024/25): €7,600 (per annum)

Non-EU applicants (2024/25): €14,750 (per annum)

If you choose to complete the programme on a part-time basis – over a minimum of five years – the fees are as follows:

  • EU applicants (2024/25): €5,000 (per annum)
  • Non-EU applicants (2024/25): €9,650 (per annum)

Please note

  • An additional NUI fee of €45 (per annum) applies for Years 1 to 3.
  • Fees are subject to annual review and can increase by up to 4% per annum.
  • It is your own responsibility to register each year. Failure to do so will lead to automatic disqualification from the degree programme.

Funding opportunities

Opportunities for partially or fully-funded PhD, MD, MCh or MSc can occur in the following ways:

  1. RCSI funded programmes: RCSI under the Strategic Academic Recruitment (StAR) Programme invites applications at specific times for structured research programmes for high-achieving candidates. Find more information here.
  2. Research scholarships supported by a funding agency: An RCSI staff member obtains a funding agency grant to conduct a research study and advertises a scholarship to attract suitably qualified candidates to complete the project. Usually the RCSI staff member who receives the funding becomes the main research supervisor. These positions are advertised on our available research projects page and have specific deadlines throughout the year.
  3. Candidates seeking their own funding: If you are seeking your own funding for a research project, we encourage you to contact the School of Postgraduate Studies and/or potential supervisors to discuss opportunities.
  4. Self-funded scholars: If you have already obtained funding (e.g college fund or embassy funded scholars) we encourage you to contact the School of Postgraduate Studies and/or potential supervisors to see if they would be interested in supervising the proposed project.
  5. Clinical educators: Clinical educators working for RCSI can avail of an RCSI scholarship – the University will cover 80% of the fees while you are working as a clinical educator.
  6. SPHeRE programme: SPHeRE (Structured Population and Health-services Research Education) is Ireland’s national research training programme for population health and health services research, funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) in Ireland. SPHeRE offers a number of research opportunities on an annual basis. 
  7. Employer/industry sponsorship: Your employer may have a relationship with an RCSI supervisor and may be willing to subsidise your studies.

Once you receive an offer to conduct a research project at RCSI, you will be invited to submit an online application to register for the relevant higher degree.

View our Postgraduate fees policy.