MD by Prior Publication

MD by Prior Publication


Entry requirements

To be eligible for the MD by Prior Publication, you must meet all of the following criteria: 

  • Be a research-active member of RCSI staff (at any of our campuses), an RCSI Honorary appointment, or an RCSI Trainee, Member or Fellow;

  • Hold and have obtained the degrees of MB BAO BCh;
  • Be eligible for full registration as a medical doctor with the Irish Medical Council;
  • Have been actively engaged in medical, surgical, clinical or health sciences research for a period of at least five years within the last ten years at an organisation that has a recognised research function; and
  • Have published and be a senior author (first or last author) on a minimum of three data-based original research papers in journals ranked Q1 or Q2 in their relevant fields in the ten years prior to the date of application for admission (note: work in preparation for publication will not be considered; the work must be already published or in press). Narrative reviews or case reports will not be accepted.
Policies and guidelines